here's to a new blog!

There is nothing really spectacular or life changing instance that happened today but I just woke up wanting to open up a new blog site. I guess the attraction of writing again is hitting me up.

This blog will contain anything that my mind (and my heart) would piece together as my thoughts, or my ramblings, or anything that irrates, amuses, or saddens me. Yes, the shortest term would be nonsense stuff. Ha ha.

So walk with me as I venture into the world of travel, lifestyle, corporate work, entrepreneurship , family, food, life, current issues, and fashion!

For now, let me leave you with a snapshot of my working self (hello haggardness!) today.

P.S. I do not have the best processed photos (I do not even know what are those!) and I post "as is" of photos from either my iPhone or iPad alone. So no artsy bitsy shots here (except maybe for some IG filters. :)


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